Substantiation of the Necessity of Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
physical rehabilitation, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, obstruction, breathing exercises, physical exercisesAbstract
Objective of the article is the analysis of scientific and methodological, specialized literature on the problems of physical rehabilitation of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The relevance of the widespread introduction of physical rehabilitation into practice is determined by modern ideas about pulmonary and extrapulmonary disorders that develop as a result of COPD. On the basis of adequate medical treatment in patients with COPD, weakness, reduced performance and tolerance to physical exertion are preserved, depression, a decrease in both general and lean body mass, cardiovascular disorders often occur.The constituent components of physical rehabilitation in COPD are breathing exercises, therapeutic physical training, training on simulators, dosed walking, swimming, outdoor games.Physical rehabilitation occupies an important place in the complex treatment of patients with all stages and clinical forms of COPD.Thus, the means of physical rehabilitation (or physical therapy) is one of the most important integral parts of managing patients with COPD, significantly improving the results of treatment.
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