Development and Grounding of Express Control of Condition of Biogeometric Posture Profile Among Children Aged 5–6 Years Old
control, condition, profile, plane, technique, scale, evaluation, expertsAbstract
The article summarizes the information on modern approaches for establishing the state of the biogeometric profile of the posture of children of different age groups. It is proved that there is a need to develop a methodology for assessing the state of the biogeometric profile of posture of children aged 5 to 6 years. The objective of the article is to develop the methodology for express monitoring the status of the biogeometric profile of bearing of children by the example of children aged 5 to 6 years. An expert examination was organized, which included 8 scientists. They have long been fruitfully engaged in the problem of correcting violations of the bearing of children. The map of visual express control of the state of the biogeometric profile of the posture of children of 5 to 6 years old is theoretically justified and developed. The map included the following indicators: in the sagittal plane – the angle of the head, the side view, thoracic kyphosis; deviation of the trunk back; the amount of lumbar lordosis, and in the frontal plane – the symmetry of the shoulder-lines, the symmetry of the lower angles of the blades, the setting of feet, the symmetry of a trunk. The group method for evaluating the studied indicators is proposed. The scale of the integral assessment of the state of the biogeometric profile of the posture of children of 5 to 6 years old is developed.
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