The State of Cognitive Functions of Primary School Pupils as the Basis for Designing the Program of Health-Enhancing and Recreational Activities
cognitive functions, psychodiagnostic testing, emotional state, memory, school students, program of classes, recreational activitiesAbstract
The paper presents the results of the study of cognitive functions of schoolchildren aged 15–16 years old as the basis for designing a program of health-enhancing and recreational activities. To address the objectives of the study, we used the following methods: analysis of scientific and methodological literature, psychophysiological methods, psychophysical testing, and methods of mathematical statistics. The study involved 50 pupils aged 15 years old (33 boys and 17 girls) and 49 pupils aged 16 years old (34 boys and 15 girls). We investigated the cognitive functions of high school students, such as the function of memory (the span of short-term memory, the amount of processed information, self-efficacy, attention span), and also determined their emotional state (tranquillity, anxiety, energy, fatigue, elation, depression, self-confidence and inadequacy). On the basis of the results of the study of cognitive functions in boys and girls aged 15–16 years old, their compliance with developmental standards was established. In boys aged 15 to 16 years old, short-term memory span was higher than in girls by 7,0 % –7,4 %. The analysis of the processed information assessment indicates that 15 year-old girls had statistically significant higher (p <0,05) averages than the boys of the same age. Girls aged 16 years old also had statistically significant higher (p <0,05) averages of information processing measures than the 16 year-old boys. The coefficients of variation of the attention span and the number of mistakes for 15 year-old boys and girls ranged from 32,5 % to 73,8 % that indicates the heterogeneity of the samples. The coefficients of variation of the attention span and the number of mistakes for 16 year-old boys and girls ranged from 31,5 % to 59,5 % that indicates the heterogeneity of the samples. The total score for emotional state amounted to 6,7 points in 16 year-old boys indicating a good state. In girls aged 16 years old, the total score of emotional state was 5,8 points and indicated a worsened state. The study showed a high variability of the studied indicators in all gender and age groups. The coefficients of variation were higher than 14,6 %, thus indicating the heterogeneity of the sample. The results obtained should be taken into account when developing programs of health-enhancing and recreation classes for high school students.
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