Problems of Resistance of the Vestibular Analyzer to Spatial Orientation, Time Parameters, Efforts


  • Yuriy Nikolayev Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Serhiy Nikolayev Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


vestibular analyzer, visual analyzer, spatial orientation, time parameters, efforts


The aim of the work the article deals with the role of the vestibular apparatus in sports and other branches of human activity where ability to spatial orientation is stipulated not only by work of any separate analyzing organ, but is provided by sensibility organization where the main role is given to visual, vestibular and spatial analyzer. Such kinds of sport as gymnastics, acrobatics and another ones require specialized training of the vestibular apparatus by using simple and complicated coordination exercises. That is why there is a need in search of resources which would promote the increase of vestibular analyzer resistance.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Problems of Resistance of the Vestibular Analyzer to Spatial Orientation, Time Parameters, Efforts. (2017). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 25, 64-67.