Usage of Athletics Exercises for Development of Physical and Technical Preparationof Football Players Aged 11–13 Years in the Process of Training Activity
speed-power preparation, functional preparation, physical exercisesAbstract
Analysis of the literature showed that young players are greatly inferior in speed and speed-powerpreparation to representatives of other kinds of sport. One of the important stages of education of these qualities is the age of 11–13 years.
In football speed-power movements are performed often enough. Basically they include jumping, martial arts, a game in advance. High-speed and power-speed movements also include acceleration and jerksat a short distance, after which there is goal attempt, or any other technical activity. The objective of the study is to experimentally prove the effectiveness of methods of physical and technical training of young football players aged 11–13 years in the process of sports perfecting.
It is stated that scientifically grounded and developed technology of speed-power training of young players in case of the rational ratio of exercises with a ball and without it, taking into account the basic pedagogical conditions determining its effectiveness will improve the overall level of sports mastery of players. It was conducted the analysis of the training process of young players aimed at increasing the level of physical technical training. It was grounded the efficiency of the pedagogical experiment carried out with the use of special complexes of physical exercises aimed at development of physical and technical training of young players.
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