General Characteristics of Injuries in the Martial Arts
injuries, arts, sports, prevention, combatingAbstract
In the Olympic and traditional sports achievement of high sports results depends not only on willingness of an athlete, material security, but also to avoid the risk of injury. Injuries in a particular martial art cause many discussions. For each type of sport or group of kinds of sport has its own peculiarities of traumatism. Due to this, the report focuses on the analysis of injuries among representatives of combat sports.
The objective of the research – to identify the main reasons and means of injury prevention in combat sports. It was found out that the most common types of injuries among wrestlers are injuries of a head and neck, shoulder and forearm injuries, dislocation of joints of fingers and toes, including knee, shoulder and elbow, and bruises which are mainly localized in the shoulder area, hips, and more often – in the area of the trunk.
To prevent injuries an athlete must be carefully equipped, different means of protection (hats, caps, bandages, pads, gloves, etc.) must be used, a competition venue must correspond with safety requirements of the competition, prohibition of admission for competitions of athletes who are not enough trained, as well as conducting regular preseason medical examinations. Of course, no one is safe from the occurrence of traumatic situations, but the exact implementation of these prevention measures will minimize the risk of injury to a minimum and avoid unpleasant consequences in the sport.
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