Modern Problems of Rehabilitation of the Ill with Arterial Hypertension


  • Sergiy Afanasyev Prydniprovska State Academy of physical culture and sport


arterial hypertension, physical rehabilitation, physical exercises


Hypertension is one of the most important problems of modern internal medicine and cardiorehabilitation. Mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases in Ukraine remains among the highest in Europe. Increasing of the effectiveness level of cardiorehabilitation of the ill with arterial hypertension is possible only under the condition of development and implementation of complex programs, an obligatory component of which should be means of physical rehabilitation. The principal requirements of the development of such programs are their pathogenetic orientation, differentiated approach taking into account degree and stage of arterial hypertension, age and sex of the ill, functional condition of cardiovascular system and target-organs, condition of extracardiac reserves. The stage of rehabilitation and presence of concomitant diseases are important factors in the process of development of the programs of physical rehabilitation.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Modern Problems of Rehabilitation of the Ill with Arterial Hypertension. (2016). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 23, 50-53.