Effect of the Comprehensive Program of Physical Rehabilitation on Functional Condition of Central Hemodynamics of Women with Atherosclerotic Chronic Cerebral Ischemia


  • Аlla Yermolayeva Zaporizhzhia National Technical University


women, violation of central hemodynamics, physical rehabilitation, chronic cerebral ischemia


The article observes peculiarities of atherosclerotic chronic brain ischemia of women as one of the urgent problems of modern rehabilitation. It was examined the basic complaints, concomitant diseases, neurological and functional status and functional condition of the cardiovascular system using elementary hemodynamic indices and indices of central hemodynamic, which made it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of thematic patients. In the article it was developed the complex program of physical rehabilitation of middle-aged women with atherosclerotic chronic cerebral ischemia which includes the differential use of therapeutic exercises with the elements of adapted fitness technology, modified massage techniques and autogenous training, physical therapy and special educational and informational program aimed at awareness of patients about the risk factors of the disease and secondary prevention of complications.

Statistically it is proven the positive impact of the developed program on functional condition of the cardiovascular system which gives reason to recommend it in rehabilitation and medical institutions.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Effect of the Comprehensive Program of Physical Rehabilitation on Functional Condition of Central Hemodynamics of Women with Atherosclerotic Chronic Cerebral Ischemia. (2016). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 23, 63-67. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/246