Motivation to Physical Cultural and Recreational Motor Activity as a Basis of the Development of the Concept of Professional and Applied Physical Training of Students of Artistic Specialties


  • Inna Asauliuk Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University


students of artistic specialties, concept, motivation, physical perfection


In the article, based on the analysis of scientific methodological literature and systematic analysis of the best practices, the problems of the process of physical state of students of music specialties have been formed. The article emphasizes the lack of development of the methodological basis for the physical education of students of Music Arts. Professionally dependent indicators of physical condition were taken into account. The article emphasizes the need of the integrated approach to increasing the efficiency of the process of professional and applied physical training of students of artistic specialties and the development of a methodological basis in the framework of specification of theoretical and methodical principles taking into account motivational prerequisites. The objective of the research is to determine the personal prerequisites of the development of theoretical and methodical principles of professional and applied physical training of students of artistic specialties. The pedagogical experiment involved students of educational institutions of culture and arts of Vinnytsia region. The methods of research: analysis of special scientific and methodical literature; study and generalization of pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, questionnaire, qualitative analysis of experimental results. Results. Motivational priorities in physical cultural and recreational activity of students of artistic specialties in the direction of raising the level of their own health are analyzed and the nature of students' answers to the questions about the general purpose of the classes and motives that are induced to regular physical education and health activity is considered. Among motivational prerequisites the need of involvement of students in active physical perfection was outlined and students’ opinion on the creation of the necessary conditions for their involvement in active physical perfection was determined. The authors investigated the features of motivation to engagement in physical culture and sports in boys and girls of the specialty «Musical Art». The obtained results became the basis for development of technology for correction of the physical condition of students in the process of physical education, taking into account their motivation to physical education and recreational activities.


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Technologies of Education in Physical Сulture

How to Cite

Motivation to Physical Cultural and Recreational Motor Activity as a Basis of the Development of the Concept of Professional and Applied Physical Training of Students of Artistic Specialties . (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 28-32.