Рersonal Preconditions of Concept Development of Healthforming Technologies of Students in Educational Institutions
students, motivation, personal preconditions, concept, health-forming technologiesAbstract
Taking into account the tendency of deterioration of health of student youth, the research aimed at finding new ways to improve the general physical condition of students is undeniably relevant. The authors are unanimous in the opinion that in order to improve the quality of organization of the process of physical education in educational institutions, it is necessary to conduct targeted work which, in the first place, should encompass diagnostics of physical preparedness of students with the subsequent adoption of pedagogical measures. One of the main tasks of physical education in higher educational institutions is to support students’ proper level of functional and morphological capabilities of the body, physical and motor capabilities, work capacity, in particular, due to use of health-forming technologies in the process of physical education. Methods of research: the analysis of special scientific and methodical literature; study and generalization of pedagogical experience, pedagogical experiment, questionnaire, qualitative analysis of experimental results. The motivational priorities to physical culture and recreation activity of students of artistic specialties in the direction of raising the level of their own health are analyzed and the nature of students’ answers to the questions about the general purpose of classes and motives that are induced to regular physical education and health activity is considered. The formation of a fundamentally new concept of health-forming technologies in the system of physical education of students of educational institutions involves the definition of features of the physical condition, the choice of physical education and physical activity in accordance with the level of physical preparedness and functional capacity of the body, the development of physical qualities, determining the optimal level of physical activity, prediction of adaptive reactions of the body to various physical activity, implementation of a differentiated approach taking into account the positions of the theory and methods of physical education. The implementation of health-forming technologies in the system of physical education of students of educational institutions needs to cover all forms of educational activities: morning gymnastics, physical activity breaks, classes in sports sections, independent classes in extracurricular times, mass sports events.
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