Modern Technologies, Programs, and Approaches for Correction and Pre¬vention of Violations of Posture in Students Through Physical Education


  • Sergey Lopatskiy Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University
  • Oleg Vintonyak Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


physical education, students, condition, posture, correction, prevention


In the past decade, a decline in the level of health of students is observed in Ukraine due to a number of objective and subjective factors: the conditions of educational activity; a low socio-economic level of most of the students’ lives; deficit of physical activity. Hence the increase in the number of students with the violations of biogeometric рrofile of the posture. Increasing number of students with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system creates a problematic situation, because these violations will certainly sooner or later turn into decreased functional capacity of the population as a whole and individuals in particular.

Analysis of the available data of the special scientific and methodological literature has revealed the bulk of scientific knowledge concerning the problems of posture correction of students through physical education. They all made a significant contribution to the development of approaches related to the corrective measures for functional disorders of the locomotor apparatus of students in the process of physical education.

Summarizing the views of scientists it is possible to establish the fact that the problem of correction of posture violations in students have been examined by many experts, however, the issue of correction of its violations with account of the condition of biogeometric profile, in our opinion, has not yet received enough scientific development, and this determines the relevance of further research.


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Modern Technologies, Programs, and Approaches for Correction and Pre¬vention of Violations of Posture in Students Through Physical Education. (2015). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 20, 32-36.