Self-reflection Bodily Potential of Students Under the Influence of a Pilot Program with the Use of Martial Arts
self-reflection, physicality, physical education, sports, martial artsAbstract
According to the research, most health indicators predecessors young people in Ukraine are characterized by symptoms of negative trends. In the National doctrine of development of physical culture and sports it is noted that in Ukraine there is a very unsatisfactory situation with the state of health of the population, especially the youth. A significant number of them have significant deviations in physical development and health. Very progress in the younger generation chronic rheumatic heart disease, hypertension, neurosis, arthritis, scoliosis, and the like.
Introduced in recent years in the learning process of students in physical education evaluation system of physical fitness, which is based on regulatory requirements, proved high effectiveness of this measure to further improve the physical training of students of universities of Ukraine.
The pilot program using martial arts encompass both theoretical and practical sections. The content of the theoretical section is aimed at acquiring specific knowledge on the basis of which formed the motivation of students for special exercises and the development of the needs for self-improvement of health reserves. The bottom section of the program, other than those of general physical training, which includes means judo, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman wrestling, sambo.
The ratio of intensity of physical activity threshold, average and peak vilichiny were like 2: 3: 1. According to the survey increased the number of students more positively perceived self, showing confidence in achieving goals, a willingness to overcome the setbacks due to its features and samoaktivnosti. The results of the experiment show the feasibility of implementing the pilot program in physical education students within the educational process of physical education.
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