Analysis of Preconditions to Develop the Technology for Creating a Recreational Culture in Student Youth


  • Oleksii Sadovskiy National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Olena Andrieieva National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


students, recreational culture, factors, technologies


In this article are represented sociopsychological and organizational-peda­gogical factors which should be taken into consideration while working on the technologies of the students’ recrea­tional culture  development in the frame of physical education. Sociological, pedagogical, psychodiagnostic methods are used to investigate the topic of this article. What is more, methods of mathematical statistics and motor activity assessment were used. Some scientific-methodological literature was analyzed and generalized. Value systems of the students, their motivation to participate in recreational activities and peculiarities of the leisure time activity represent sociopsychological factors. Organizational-pedagogical factors are determined by the level of the students’ recreational motor activity, their attitude towards physical education classes, by the level of their theoretical knowledge and practical skills and by the peculiarities of methodological organization of the physical education at the educational institutions. 

As a result of the investigation it has been found out that the majority of modern students has low level of the motor activity. They have a little idea of how recreational activity influences capability and  health restoration, improves psychological state of mind and develops personality. Most of students spend their free time irrationally, don’t possess any necessary knowledge to organize and manage the recreational and health-improving classes. The mentioned factors may be used to design the structure and the content of the technologies used for students’ recreational culture development in the course of physical education. Furthermore, they may be applied to provide rational for criteria due to which assessment of the students’ culture may be done.


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Analysis of Preconditions to Develop the Technology for Creating a Recreational Culture in Student Youth. (2015). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 20, 39-44.