Experience of the Use of Recreational and Health-improving Technologies in Physical Training of School Children
recreational and fitness technology, health tourism, primary school children, physical educationAbstract
The article deals with the topical issue of improve the physical condition of students through the use of recreational and health-improving technologies based on health tourism resources in the process of physical education as an extracurricular activity; there was determined the effectiveness of this technology. The study involved children of primary school age (grades 3–4), who were divided into control and experimental groups of 20 students in each group. Children in the control group engaged in the program based on sports tourism resources and in the experimental – on the proposed program, which significant differences are block concept, planning sessions, and use of health tourism resources in accordance with the content of blocks «Tourists», «Athletes», «Orienteers», «Local historians» in the form of entertainment, outdoor games, trips, excursions, competition and competitive activity. Effectiveness of the proposed program was proven, as compared to traditional, that showed the results of the formative experiment. It was found that the students who were involved at the recreational and health-improving technologies on the base of health tourism, have the improvement in the functional state of the organism (cardiovascular system, the respiratory system, the level of health and adaptation-reserve possibilities of an organism), increased rates of mental and emotional states and improving of school motivation.
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