The Role of Recreational and Health-Enhancing Activities in the Structure of Family Leisure of Preschool Children


  • Anna Hakman Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Victoria Uzhvenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


recreational activity, preschool children, leisure


The aim of this study was to determine the role of the family in implementing the recreational and health-enhancing activities of the child outside the institution of preschool education. To achieve the aim and objectives of the study, the following methods were used: theoretical analysis of educational methodological literature, documentary and normative materials, summarization of research and pedagogical experience. Family education at a preschool age is of high relevance. Implementation of recreational and health-enhancing activities in the family leisure of a child is a priority for the development of health and physical fitness and for mental activity of preschoolers. During the study, the components of family leisure for preschool children were scrutinized and its main directions are outlined: implementation of various forms of aesthetic activities, consistency and relationship between the education of the child in the preschool institution and in the family, joint activity of parents and children during family leisure, the use of leisure time for health improvement, physical and mental development of the child, and the use of playing activities by parents. Recreational and health-enhancing activities are a component of family leisure of a preschool child associated with the organization of leisure time aimed at increasing the level of physical activity and socialization of the child. The article outlines the main means and forms of recreational and health-enhancing activities in the family leisure of preschool children. Their characteristics and advantages of using in the organization of family leisure are described. The most effective forms of organization of recreational and health-enhancing activities during family leisure with preschool children are play-based classes, didactic games, morning and evening walks, active games combined with quests, playing activities that involve the use of natural and social objects (weekend hikes, outdoor entertainment events, outdoor hikes, excursions).


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

The Role of Recreational and Health-Enhancing Activities in the Structure of Family Leisure of Preschool Children. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 64-69.