Forming of the Specialized Orientation of Training Process of Skilled Sportsmen of – Rowers with the Mionectic Level of Development of Stability of Aerobic Energy Reactions in the Area of Aerobic-anaerobic Transition
training facilities, firmness of reactions of aerobic energy supply, qualified athletesAbstract
For the first time it was theoretically and experimentally grounded application of training means aimed at development of firmness of reactions of aerobic energy saving, for improvement of the level of working capacity of rowers in the process of overcoming of the second half of a competitive distance.
For the first time it was defined typological peculiarities of steadiness of reaction of aerobic energy saving which are the basis for formation of the specialized orientation of the training process of qualified athletes in rowing.
As a result of the conducted studies it was supplemented the position on questions of improvement of specialized means of training aimed at development of steadiness of reactions of aerobic energy saving in conditions of loads of sub-maximal capacity in cyclic kinds of sport.
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