Prediction and Evaluation of Competitive Activity of Female Water Polo Athletes of High Qualification


  • Nataliya Yevpak National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


water polo, female athletes, competitive activity, prediction, tactics


The effectiveness of competitive activity in water polo is largely dependent on the precise objective forecasting of performance of a team and each player individually. In its turn, an accurate forecast would allow making such management decisions that will lead to realization of the assigned tasks at the competitive stage, checking with the functional state of athletes and their capabilities. Using the available literature, we have found out that many authors suggest tactical schemes of the game in defense and attack, where the choice depends on tactics of the opposing team potential, whereas the level of specialized efficiency of the team’s players is taken into consideration to a lesser extent. Forecasting will be ineffective without regarding the functionalities of female athletes, due to the level of sports efficiency and the degree of their special performance manifestation in connection with the influence of cyclic hormonal changes in their bodies throughout the menstrual cycle (MC). There is a clear need to produce tactical schemes for the team’s game actions in defense and attack based on the players’ individual capabilities in any given competition period.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

Prediction and Evaluation of Competitive Activity of Female Water Polo Athletes of High Qualification. (2015). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 20, 150-154.