The Institutional Ensuring of Participation of the Society in the Development of the Sphere of Physical Culture and Sport
institution, society, sector, development, physical culture, sportAbstract
The disclosure of the mechanism of ensuring of the development of the sphere of physical culture and sport by public institutions. The general scientific principles of the implementation of complex social and economic researches are the theoretical basis of the research. Methods of supervision, the logical analysis, the historical and situational approach, the analysis of references and documents, questioning, methods of mathematical statistics are used in the work. 357 sports functionaries (level managers of physical-sports organizations) of Kharkov, Sumy and Poltava areas took part in the research. The advanced organizationally-administrative experience of the complex analysis of the system of effective management of physical culture and sport is generalized. Forms of interaction of the state and public sectors in sport economy are characterized. The system approach to the realization of synergy effect of interaction of key actors of the local development of the sphere of physical culture and sport is offered.
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