Practical Experience of Introducing Health Technologies in the Process of Physical Education of Children of Primary School Age
children of primary school age, formation, health, tourismAbstract
Topicality. The current state of health of children of primary school age is of concern to researchers in various fields of activity. The critical state of children's health is the result of the influence of a complex of factors, including the ecological, political situation in Ukraine, the low efficiency of the physical education process at the school, which is need of introduction of qualitatively new changes in the physical education process in the world of educational innovations of the New Ukrainian School. The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of the impact of health technologies in the framework of the author’s concept functioning on the physical condition of children of primary school age. The research methods: analysis and synthesis of data from scientifically methodical literature, systematization, content analysis, pedagogical research methods, biological, pedagogical research methods, methods of mathematical statistics. The contingent of the examined at the ascertaining stage of the study was 265 pupils of 1st–4th grades and 91 students of 1st, 3rd and 4th grades of the secondary schools at the formative stage. The results obtained at the ascertaining stage of the study characterize the contingent of the studied from the position of the dynamics of changes in the indicators of physical development, the functioning of body systems, physical fitness, during ontogenesis. It is proved that in the majority the studied contingent is characterized by harmonious physical development, 72,08 % of children, the performance indicators of the body systems correspond to the upper limit of the norm, and the physical fitness of children is in the unsatisfactory state. It was proposed the health care technology based on the means of active tourism which is characterized by the variable component of pedagogical influence («Tourists», «Orientalists», «Athletes», «Regionalists»). The effectiveness of the proposed activities was tested by the results of the forming pedagogical experiment. Application of active tourism contributed to the improvement of indicators of physical development of children, increased the number of children with the harmonious development of physical development, stabilization of indicators of body systems functioning, improvement of physical fitness, which was statistically significantly better in comparison with the results of children in the control groups.
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