Ways of Optimization of Motor activity of Students with Disabilities
student with disabilities, physical activity, physical education, technology physical educationAbstract
The article presents a substantiation of ways of optimization of motor activity of students with disabilities for the period of their study at the University, which became the basis for the formation of the structure and content of the technology of physical education of this population of students. Organizational and pedagogical approaches to physical culture and sports education of students with disabilities indicate three main components of pedagogical process of physical education: physical education (theory), physical education and sport (practice) and research work (theoretical and practical component), which have informed experimental didactic content. In the long process of the pedagogical experiment proved that the use of different orientation at the differentiated approach to physical loads, considering the operational and functional health status, preferences and interests of students with disabilities may improve health, enhance physical fitness and physical activity. The research results indicate the integration of students with disabilities in the student environment.
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