The Investigation of a Connection Between a Status HLA-system of Lymphocytes and a Frequency of a Occurrence of Colds of Wrestlers
lymphocytes, HLA system, wrestlers, exercise, colds, gene, antigen, genetic condition, immunogenetic statusAbstract
It has been investigated the status of the HLA-system of lymphocytes and its effect on the incidence of colds of athletes-wrestlers. It has been found that the frequency of colds of athletes is caused genetically, which was manifested in the relationship of the frequency of the disease in the course of the year with tissue antigens of the HLA-system. It has been proved that the tendency to frequent colds has a polygenic nature, which resulted in a positive association of incidence with antigens HLA-A2, B5, B12, Вw35 and a negative association with antigens HLA-B7 and B8. The obtained results provide a basis for developing techniques for monitoring the condition of the fighters during the training process based on their immunogenetic status.
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