Аnalysis of Morbidity of Student Young Peopleof Bіlotserkovskogo National Agrarian University
morbidity, student young people, healthAbstract
Objective – to analyze the incidence of students for 2013/2014 academic year According to medical records. In the experiment, attended by 1438 students aged 17–22 years. Analyzed the main factors that have the greatest negative impact on the health of students in modern learning environments. The present analysis of the incidence of students Belotserkovsky national agrarian university. It was found that the incidence of nosology the first place among the girls and boys take respiratory diseases. Among the most common diseases among students revealed diseases of the genitourinary system, digestive diseases and injuries, and certain other consequences of external causes. Our studies gave grounds to establish that the highest percentage of incidence of all types of diseases accounted for first-year students.
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