The Evolution of Heart Rate Variability in the Physical Rehabilitation of Adolescents with Primary Obesity


  • Iryna Zharova National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


obesity, teenage, heart rate variability, physical rehabilitation technology


The dynamics of changes in body composition parameters component of adolescents with primary exogenous-constitutional obesity is examined  in the application of our technology of physical rehabilitation. The developed technology is based on the use of basic and variable components of physical rehabilitation and elements of complex therapy: kinesitherapy; massage (general and local); natural and artificial factors of nature; mechanotherapy; dietetics; orthopedic equipment and provides for the phased implementation of rehabilitation measures for the three modes of propulsion: a gentle, sparing, coaching and training. In the process of research, with the help of the device Fazagraf, teenagers of two groups (study group n = 34 the teenagers involved in  developed technology of physical rehabi­litation; control group, n = 34 the teenagers involved in the standard program of physical rehabilitation) were evaluated: general statistical characteristics of a dynamic line of cardio intervals; performance variation pulsometry with the calculation of the index of regulatory systems tension, the initial autonomic tone and autonomic reactivity; spectral parameters of HRV with the calculation of the activity of subcortical nerve centers; indicators of activity of regulatory systems. The data allowed us analyse the studied parameters in the process of rehabilitation measures aimed at their correction and set a statistically significant benefits of our technology of physical rehabilitation.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

The Evolution of Heart Rate Variability in the Physical Rehabilitation of Adolescents with Primary Obesity. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 18, 132-138.