Characteristics of the State of Motor Activity of Military Personnel with the Effects of Gunshot Fractures of the Lower Leg Bones
physical rehabilitation, military personnel, fractures of the shin bonesAbstract
The article contains the results of the analysis of the indicators of gait among the contingent of military personnel, participants of the ATO with the effects of gunshot fractures of the leg bones. Study location: Ukrainian State Medical and Social Center of War Veterans, Tsybli. Objective: to obtain data on the features of the effects of shin bone fractures on foot function, motor activity and quality of life of soldiers with the effects of gunshot tibia fractures. Methods of the research – content analysis of medical documents, ten-meter walking test and quality of life assessment by the questionnaire, applied by Statistica 7,0. and IBM SPSS Statistics 21, Student’s t-criterion, Man-Whitney U-criterion. Results. After conducting the first survey on the Manchester-Oxford foot questionnaire, the best marks are set to Stop and Rest From Pain, «Avoidance of Hard / Coarse Surfaces», and the worst in points «Pain in the Foot / Ankle», «In the Evening, the Pain Rises». The overall score of the Manchester-Oxford foot questionnaire (or MOXFQ-index), according to the final assessment, also had significant (p <0,01) positive dynamics in the examined patient groups (Table 5,0). In addition, the performed statistical analysis revealed significant difference (p <0,01) between groups in favor of CO due to the results of the final questionnaire. The pain score scale remained the highest among all groups before and after the rehabilitation intervention, and the score on the social functionality scale had the best results in both groups. Conclusions. In the future, the expansion of the research at clinical sites in order to assess the effectiveness of the use of traditional means and methods and modern technologies of physical rehabilitation to restore the health of military personnel with the effects of firearms fractures of the shin bones.
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