Self Education and its Role in the Spiritual Values Forming by Handball-Students
selfeducation sportsman, handball player, personality, spiritual valuesAbstract
The article deals with selfeducation and its role in the spiritual values forming by handball-students. The results show that 43,1 % of hanball-students in question have clear understanding of the role of self education in the spiritual values forming, other 56,9 % – do not. Many handball-students consider that handball classes have a great positive influence on spiritual values forming of the personality. The majority of the handball-students (51,1 %) have positive attitude towards selfeducation of spiritual values; 32,7 % – of the respondents have the neutral and 16,2 % – the negative attitude towards it. Besides, the questioning showed that the majority of handball-students with different master degrees do not have enough experience in providing the selfeducation of spiritual values.
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