Historical Background of Pedagogical Management of Student Sports in Higher Edu¬cational Institutions of Ukraine
physical education, students, sports, issues, managmentAbstract
The state of educational leadership of student sport, its philosophical and pedagogical aspects. Found that the main drawback of this problem is that many areas (philosophical, political, economic, cybernetical) is to unit in the task management sports in higher education institutions. The article also revealed problems of pedagogical management student sport, stage shows and solve this problem – a point; II – a systematic analysis of the current legislation; III – comparative historical analysis. Exposed-term treatment guidance in different areas of life such scholars as A. Nisimchuk, I. Smolyuk, V. Maslov, O. Shpak, K. Volker, I. Zyazyun, V. Kremin, V. Shadrikov. Effective solutions to this problem may be a realization different approaches in one piece or in one program to address urgent issues in physical education students is.
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