Quantitative Biomechanical Characteristics of Basic Fighting Techniques in the Process of Cadets’ Special Physical Training


  • Illya Vako National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


special physical training, cadets, close fight, biomechanical analysis, technique


Education and improvement of motor actions technique in the martial artsis a pedagogical process, aimed at developing of knowledge, attainment and skills in a continuous realization of the tasks of comprehensive physical development of cadets. Objective: to study the biomechanical features of the technology of cadets’ basic techniques implementation in the martial arts at the process of special physical training. Methods: theoretical analysis and compilation of special scientific and methodical literature; methods of recording and motion analysis; motor actions technique modeling; pedagogical experiment; methods of mathematical statistics.

It was found that the main effectiveness criterion of implementation methods is the time for their efficient implementation, and therefore all actions of cadets were focused on solving this task. In this aspect the initial actions play an important role, as far as the speed, consistency and effectiveness of their performance deals their preconditions for the further actions and the quick completion with the ultimate aim of ensuring full control over the actions of the offender.


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Quantitative Biomechanical Characteristics of Basic Fighting Techniques in the Process of Cadets’ Special Physical Training. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 17, 33-38. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/464