Modern Approaches, Methodic and Technologies Towards Formation of the Healthy Lifestyle Among Students in the Process of Physical Education



physical education, healthy way of life, students, innovative technologies


Scientific problem statement, its connection with important or practical tasks and problems. Analyses of the latest researches and publications. Modern  health state of the Ukrainian population overall and children and youth in particular is a significant challenge for society and government creating a real danger for the humanitarian security. Formation and popularization of healthy lifestyle of children and youth are the strategic components of  Ukrainian society development. 

Development of socially recognized needs among students is one of the most important tasks towards the development of multi polar and healthy individual who naturally combines spiritual values, moral purity and physical perfection.

Today no one can doubt a fact that moving activities, physical exercises  can improve both physical and mental health that stimulates maximizing moving activities and consequently development of motivation towards health protection.

A row of values and motives towards involving students in the physical activities and sports is rather wide and various. It can be focused on the main values of a man -health, prevention and treatment of diseases, healthy lifestyle, physical recreation and pleasant time spending, obtaining positive emotions, development of physical characteristics and beautiful physique, the opportunities of personal achievements, satisfactions of own ambitions, building strong character, the desire to assert yourself and self - development. 


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Modern Approaches, Methodic and Technologies Towards Formation of the Healthy Lifestyle Among Students in the Process of Physical Education. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 17, 52-57.