Analysis of the Health Status of Students of the odessa Region
analysis of the health status of students, Odessa region, physical training, higher educationAbstract
The problem of promoting health and improving physical development of the students remains in our time quite relevant, as evidenced by the sharp deterioration in the health of students. One of the major problems of facing higher education is the creation of a system of education that would provide future specialists together with practical and theoretical training in the specialty, good health and high performance. The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative analysis of the health status of students of the Odessa region for 2012–2014 у., to develop and implement a set of effective measures to prevent and eliminate diseases.
The analysis of the health status of students of the Odessa region. Revealed that the most common pathology was therapeutic profile. The main reason for this is the low physical preparedness of students, which leads to a decrease of work adaptation-compensatory mechanisms of the body and the inability to cope with all the stress, and new factors specific to higher education. This, in turn, leads to depletion and the breakdown of adaptation, which is the basis of the disease. Implemented a package of measures in addressing the challenges facing higher education regarding physical education, medical and health students.We believe it is necessary to pay attention to the timely detection of pathology and establishing supervision of all nursing students who need medical care, comprehensive clinical examination of patients students and their rehabilitation with the use of all modern health technologies, improving the efficiency of preventive and therapeutic work with students who have significant pathological deviations in health status.
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