Methodology of Formation of Motor Skills of Students of Higher Educational Establishments by Means of Track and Field Athletics
motor skills, methodology of formation, program studying, motor activity, basic stageAbstract
Methodology of formation of motor skills was used for studying athletics types such as sprint, high jump, long jump, ball throwing. The program encloses stage-by-stage methodology of formation of motor skill with the help of special track and field exercises taking into account psycho-pedagogical, physiological and biomechanical peculiarities .
For testing the effectiveness of practical model of formation of motor skills of sprint, jumps, throwing we have chosen the method of expert scoring of external effectiveness of movements execution that let us in proper time to set quantitative indices of skill formation.
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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training
How to Cite
Methodology of Formation of Motor Skills of Students of Higher Educational Establishments by Means of Track and Field Athletics. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 17, 72-76.