The State of Introduction of the Ukrainian Folk Playing Physical Education of Children of Midchildhood
the Ukrainian folk games, children of midchildhood, physical educationAbstract
In the article the research of the state of realization of the Ukrainian folk games in area of physical education of children of midchildhood is examined. Studying Ukrainian folk physical culture as integral system of physical education of rising generation, researchers specify on the necessity of study of methods, i.e. those traditional amateurish types of motive activity of Ukrainians which positively influence on natural development of child. For this purpose we worked out a questionnaire for the teachers of physical culture, which conduct the lessons of physical culture with the children of midchildhood. It is set that the state of realization of the Ukrainian folk games in area of physical education of children of midchildhood is at low level and specifies on the necessity of development of guidance on questions of the use of the Ukrainian folk games in school practice.
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