Influence of the Individual Differentiated Approach of Employments by the Special Physical Exercises on Physical Preparedness of Under-Five with Paropsiss


  • Tyatyana Cyupak Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Yurij Cyupak Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


defects of sight, physical preparedness, forms of medical physical culture


Actuality of work is predetermined by the increase of amount of children with paropsiss, which violates a spatial orientation, co-ordination of motions in turn, slows the rates of capture motive abilities and skills, causes a muscular languor,  difficulties in maintenance of static and dynamic equilibrium, detains the terms of forming of basic motions. A research purpose  consisted in  determination of level of physical preparedness of children with paropsiss; study of influence of the individual differentiated going near employments by the special physical exercises, sent to the improvement of level of physical preparedness of the indicated contingent of under-five. By basis of methods of medical physical culture as a main form of physical rehabilitation there was optimal motive activity the necessity of which  is stipulated by conformities to law of normal height and development of organism. In the process of experiment, data of research workers were complemented and confirmed, that the level of physical preparedness of children of six-year-old age  is not high. For children which have paropsiss he substantially below and falls behind from healthy yearlings (Р <0,05).  Introduction of the worked out methods of the individual differentiated going near employments of лікульною by a physical culture, elucidative and propagandist work among children and their parents promoted statistically a reliable (Р<0,05) change in the level of physical preparedness of under-five with paropsiss. 


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Influence of the Individual Differentiated Approach of Employments by the Special Physical Exercises on Physical Preparedness of Under-Five with Paropsiss. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 17, 134-138.