The Combination of Training Facilities in Before Competitive Meso Cycle in the Training Process of Track and Field Athletics of Female Hurdlers


  • Zhanna Mudryk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Volodymyr Dobrynskij Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University
  • Vadym Smoluk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


pre-contention meso cycle, special preparedness, contention activity, trainings facilities


The specific of track-and-field needs planning of preparation in training employment after a few track-and-field exercises which considerably differ after the structure of motive actions and terms of their implementation. One of main problems of optimization of training process in pre-contention meso cycle there is a problem of selection and combination of facilities of the special preparation in certain training employment and taking into account the effect of consequence, in a training mikro cycle. Our researches represent the specific of preparation of track and field athletics of female hurdlers on the finishing stage, before official competitions, when the individual features of sportsmen show up especially clearly, that also can influence on comparison the results got by us with the results of other authors, which investigate other periods of annual cycle of preparation.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

The Combination of Training Facilities in Before Competitive Meso Cycle in the Training Process of Track and Field Athletics of Female Hurdlers. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 17, 142-146.