Effectiveness of Practical Methodology of Multidisciplinary Skill Formation for Posture Regulation in Different Conditions of Tstatic-Dynamic Stability of the Athlete’s Body (Based on the Material of Artistic Swimming)


  • Yuriy Lytvynenko National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Mariya Hordyeyeva National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


technical training, sports technique, posture regulation, practical methodology, efficiency, artistic swimming


The objective of the work is to test the effectiveness of practical methodology for multidisciplinary formation of knowledge, skills and abilities to regulate the posture of athletes under various conditions of static-dynamic body stability (based on the material of artistic swimming).

The study involved athletes aged 11–12 years old (n=16); each motor task of the athlete performed three times. The practical methodology was integrated into the training process of the annual cycle of training athletes of the experimental group. As a result of the conducted research, significant improvements were obtained in terms of subjective assessment criteria, as well as in terms of the bio-kinematic structure of the «standard» scaling movement (p <0,05), the trends of which are associated with the reorientation of the biomechanical parameters of the equipment and their approach to the second «standard» method of scaling movement, which is particularly reflected in: the duration of the scaling cycle; the length of the trajectory of the CM wrist; the resulting speed of  the CM wrist; biopair angle forearm-wrist in a horizontal plane when performing a stroke cycle; angle between the transverse axis of the wrist and the horizontal plane; biopair angle forearm shoulder in a horizontal plane; biopair angle shoulder-torso in the horizontal plane.

Considerable positive dynamics observed among sportswomen of the control group was not statistically significant (p> 0,05).

The data of the formative experiment confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed approach (based on the material of artistic swimming) and allow us to recommend its use in the training process of other complex-coordination sports.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

Effectiveness of Practical Methodology of Multidisciplinary Skill Formation for Posture Regulation in Different Conditions of Tstatic-Dynamic Stability of the Athlete’s Body (Based on the Material of Artistic Swimming). (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 30, 164-175. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/50