Actual Issues of Improving the Process of Studentʼs Physical Education Through the Application of Modern Health-saving Technologies
health, physical fitness, physical education, students, health-saving technologiesAbstract
In the context of the integration the national high school in the European system of higher education significantly increases the role of the technological development of physical culture, as only timely change of educational technologies can improve the quality of physical culture as a whole. The basic mistake made steps in the modernization of physical culture – their abstract nature.
Under the new conditions institutions continue to operate in a reflective mode, focusing mainly on the problems of resource support of the educational process, to a lesser extent doing justification strategy of development of physical culture. Today, therefore, need to be challenged contemporary theory and practice of sports education students.
We analyzed the peer-reviewed scientific literature on the issue of health preservation students, approaches and features of formation of studentsʼ needs in a healthy physically active lifestyle in physical education. It is found that the strategic goal of higher education should be to create an environment conducive to the physical and moral improvement of students, maintaining the existing level of health, strengthen it, augmentation, promoting a healthy lifestyle, a culture of health, neutralizing and reducing the negative effects of internal and external environmental factors, boosting their ability to handle stress.
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