Analysis of the Functional Parameters of the Body of Obese Students, Obese Patients, Under the Influence of Experimental Program in the Universities Special Medical Groups


  • Tatiana Gurtova


a student, physical education, special medical group, universities, aqua aerobics, program


The urgency of developing and implementing in educational process experimental programs in physical education is based on the current situation with the health status of the universities students. Objectives of the work –on the basis of author's program of physical education for obesse students, prove the feasibility of using aqua aerobics  classes, as an effective means of correcting the physical condition of such students during their stay at the university based on the experimental implementation. There was obtained results of the experimental study. There was proved the adequacy of physical education matched towards the elimination of existing disease obesity, confirming the advisability of its implementation in the course of physical education universities special medical groups.


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Pedagogical Technologies of Education in Physical Training

How to Cite

Analysis of the Functional Parameters of the Body of Obese Students, Obese Patients, Under the Influence of Experimental Program in the Universities Special Medical Groups. (2020). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 13, 18-22.