The Influence of Information Technologies and Internet Resources in the Formation of Student’s Physical Fitness at the Physical Education Process
internet, information technology, physical education, physical fitness, studentsAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of using the information technologies and Internet resources in the formation of youth physical fitness at the physical education process. The needs for іnformatization of physical education process are considered. Modern systems of values, motivation, habits, purposeful behavior of the individual become a core of the social ideology implementation in the formation of physical fitness. In connection with this, one of the main moments is the dissemination among the student youth's knowledge about the importance of physical fitness, opportunities for the use of information technologies and Internet resources, which are corrected and preserved health. The іnformatization of the student`s physical education process is one of the main trends in the formation of their physical fitness. The analysis of the modern scientific literature`s data and the results of the own research for the problem of health and the foundations of the student`s physical fitness with the use of information technologies and Internet resources at the physical education process is described. The needs for further development, improvement and dissemination among the students knowledge about the importance of physical fitness, opportunities for the use of technologies, which improve health, based on using the information technologies and Internet resources are defined.
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