Features of the Changes of Indicators of Activity Reactions of Immunity of Sportsmen Depending on Physical Activity Level
sportsmen, immunodefence, immunoglobulins, cytokinesAbstract
The significant physical overloads can contribute in violation homeostasis of immune system with development of secondary immunodeficiences – decrease of the functional activity of principal components of system of immunodefence. Therefore actual is learning of singularities of evolution of an immune distress of sportsmen depending on an exercise stress level. The singularities of changes of activity ratios of humoral responses of immunodefence and the content pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines at 30 sportsmen are investigated. It is defined that concentration of immunoglobulins under the influence of the significant exercise stresses significantly drops, and the rising of the content of immunoglobulin Е (IgЕ) can reveal the switching-on immune gears in reply to an exercise stress. Exercise stresses also promote rising of the content of proinflammatory cytokines (FNP, IL-1, ІL-6, ІL-8) that also can testify of evolution of immune inflammations at sportsmen.
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