Theoretical Bases of Construction of Physical and Health-Improving Trainings of Women of the First Mature Age Taking into Account the Spatial Organization of Their Body


  • Anna Tkachova National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


aquafitness, women, first period of mature age, physical cultural and health-improving trainings


On the basis of the analysis of scientific and methodological literature and best practices, the problems of organization and carrying out of physical and health-improving trainings of women of the first mature age are considered. The leading role of water trainings during the organization of classes for women of the specified contingent is determined. A variety of aquafitness facilities can stimulate women’s interest in systematic pursuits and have significant health-improving potential. Among the aquafitness facilities, the authors offer distance swimming, games and fun in the water, a variety of forms of various activities

The objective of the study is to consider the theoretical foundations of building physical and health-improving trainings in water for women of the first mature age. Research methods theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological literature. The results of the study in the process of literature analysis identified the main components of the beneficial effects of trainings in water on the human body. The author’s approach to organizing and conducting aqua-fitness trainings with a contingent of mature women is offered. The basis for the construction of the aqua fitness program was based on the features of the spatial organization of the body of women of the first mature age, namely the type of body structure and existing disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Priority means of aquafitness were determined for each type of body structure, in accordance with the purpose of physical education activities related to body correction and prevention of the most common disorders of the musculoskeletal system. It is offered the list of principles, methods and basic structural elements of the aqua fitness program, which are based on a differentiated approach. The necessary organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the proposed funds have been determined. We see the prospect of development of this scientific subject in checking the effectiveness of the proposed approach in physical education and health-improving trainings for women of the first mature age.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Theoretical Bases of Construction of Physical and Health-Improving Trainings of Women of the First Mature Age Taking into Account the Spatial Organization of Their Body. (2018). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 32, 43-49.