Effectiveness of Program of Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Postural and Locomotor Disorders


  • Elina Makarova
  • Igor Bashkin


physical rehabilitation, locomotor apparatus, postural posture, locomotive pattern, people with effects of infantile cerebral paralysis


The article brings up questions of correction of postural and locomotor disorders that are preconditioned by changes in locomotor apparatus. It was also studied the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation program among the ill infantile cerebral paralysis who have secondary pathological deformation of lower limbs. Among 16 patients with effects of infantile cerebral paralysis aged 14–21 it was examined the stability of vertical position with the help of method of computer stabilographity and it was also conducted the analysis of indices of static and dynamic balance and indices of gait before and after applying of means and methods of physical rehabilitation. It was found out the usage of individually chosen programs of physical rehabilitation is an effective means of regulation of postural control and improvement of locomotor pattern among those who have effects of infantile cerebral paralysis. Center of pressure spread is lowering and amplitude of oscillations is rising in frontal and sagittal plane, improvement of vestibular apparatus condition and coordination abilities, moving speed optimization and quantity of locomotion while walking.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

Effectiveness of Program of Physical Rehabilitation of Patients with Postural and Locomotor Disorders. (2012). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 7, 83-86. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/754