Correction of Component Body Composition of Women of the First Period of Adulthood by Means of Fitness
body mass, body structure, fat mass, muscle mass, bodymass indexAbstract
We have conducted the analysis of estimation of component body composition of women of the first period of the first period of adulthood. Together with overweight anxiety causes component structure disorders that is expressed in increasing of amount of fat component and causes health hazard. Disorder of body mass means discrepancy in optimal parameters of the amount of general body mass and proportion of its components. In the program of correction of component body structure it is needed to use all means of fitness. Their balance and combination must be conducted in accordance with directions and level of disorders detection.
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6. Increase in physical activity energy expenditure is associated with reduced metabolic risk independent of change in fatness and fitness: the MRC Ely Study / U. Ekelund, P. W. Franks, S. Sharp [et al.] // Diabetes Care. – 2007. – N 30. – P. 2101–2106.
Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation
How to Cite
Correction of Component Body Composition of Women of the First Period of Adulthood by Means of Fitness. (2012). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 7, 87-90.