Modern Conceptions of Negative Mental States and their Occurrence Background in Students
negative mental states, students, neuropsychic stress, psychocorrectionAbstract
The purpose of the study is to analyze the scientific data on the problem of negative mental states occurance in students. The study contains data theoretical generalization of actual scientific task, which is manifested in psychological factors determining of students’ mental states in educational activity process. Scientists note that nervous and mental stress moderate degree is characterized by an increase in mental activity quality and efficiency and represents the form of an individual mental state, in which the full person’s capacity to achieve a goal, to perform a particular activity are revealed. The conducted analysis on mental states problem allows to define mental states as a relatively stable holistic structural organization of psyche components, which has a role of active interaction of the individual with external environment, represented by certain situation under certain conditions, where the behavior and experience connection is reflected . Among the main factors of negative states occurance in students can be identified the following: didactic, socio-psychological and professional. Studying the students mental states peculiarities provides an opportunity to support and strengthen the positive or to eliminate the negative, harmful to educational activity mental states. It is obvious that successful educational students activity should provide nervous and mental stress optimum level, and its increased level causes low academic performance level. Therefore, there is a need to study and consider a properly organized system of educational influence on the individual in order to prevent and correct negative mental states. That is, the application of focused psychological and pedagogical influence on students in order to optimize the students emotional and intellectual states based on adaptive-cognitive, correction-content and activity component in terms of their professional formation.
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