Practical Implementation of the Concept of Development and Improvement of Coordination Abilities of Schoolchildren with Hearing Impairment in the Adaptive Physical Educational Process


  • Olena Bondar


junior schoolchildren, coordination skills, static balance, adaptive physical education


Analysis of the data of special scientific and methodological literature indicates that one of the factors that influence the successful development of motor actions is a sufficient level of coordination skills development. Schoolchildren with hearing impairments lag behind their practically healthy peers in terms of physical qualities development, especially pronounced lag is observed in terms of coordination abilities. If you purposefully influence coordination abilities during the period of accelerated age-related development, then the pedagogical effect will be significantly higher than in other periods. The Objective of the Research is to approve the concept of realization technology for development and improvement of coordination abilities of schoolchildren with hearing impairments (on the example of the ability of maintaining the static balance of the body). Research Methods – analysis of scientific and methodological literature, analysis of documentary materials, anthropometry method, stabilography method, pedagogical research methods, and mathematical statistics. As a result of the research, it was determined the indicators of coordination abilities and physical development of 62 schoolchildren with hearing impairments and 105 practically healthy children aged 7–10 years old.  Results of the Research. We determined the state of a child’s body of vertical stability in order to reveal the effect of our proposed technology on the ability to maintain body balance with and without the participation of a visual analyzer. It was found out that children of primary school age with hearing impairment have a lower level of development of coordination abilities than their practically healthy peers. The revealed differences in body balance indices in Romberg’s test with opened and closed eyes prove the positive impact of training by our technology on static body balance. The Prospects for Further Research are related to the development and implementation of the concept of development and improvement of the coordination abilities of primary school children in the process of physical education.


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Physical Education of Different Groups

How to Cite

Practical Implementation of the Concept of Development and Improvement of Coordination Abilities of Schoolchildren with Hearing Impairment in the Adaptive Physical Educational Process. (2019). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 33, 39-44.