On the use of Multimedia in the Physical Rehabilitation of Students with Obesity and the Risk of Developing Metabolic Syndrome


  • Maryana Dub


information technology, multimedia, physical rehabilitation, obesity, metabolic syndrome, female students


Topicality of the Study. Means and technologies of multimedia provide the opportunity to intensify the process of physical education of youth and increase motivation of students through the use of modern methods of processing audiovisual information. Taking into account the significant influence of eating behavior on the increase in body weight of the studied population, it is advisable to use multimedia information programs in the physical rehabilitation programs of these individuals, which reflected information on the rules for compiling a diet, modern nutritional recommendations, reduce the risk of nutritionally related pathology, maintaining a healthy image life, the use of modern forms of physical activity. The Objective of the Study is to analyze the degree of scientific study in the professional literature of approaches to the development of multimedia tools in the process of students engaging in physical exercises, as well as to develop a «MS» multimedia information program. The Research Methods: theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature, information resources of the Internet and documentary materials. Information and methodological program «MS» is adapted to the principles of the technology «Web 2.0» in education: syntacticity, syndication and socialization. An informational and methodological program «MS» was developed aimed at improving theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the process of physical rehabilitation of students.

When designing the multimedia program «MS», we took into account that it should be aimed at supporting a high degree of working capacity of students due to the competent organization of the ergonomic interface.


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Therapeutic Physical Training, Sport Medicine and Physical Rehabilitation

How to Cite

On the use of Multimedia in the Physical Rehabilitation of Students with Obesity and the Risk of Developing Metabolic Syndrome. (2019). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 33, 82-91. https://sportvisnyk.vnu.edu.ua/index.php/sportvisnyk/article/view/784