Physical Rehabilitation of Overweight Women
overweight, obesity, physical rehabilitation, exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, psychotherapyAbstract
The article deals with the problem of overweight and obesity. The purpose of the work is to comprehensively reveal the problem of obesity and to substantiate the principal approaches to the use of physical rehabilitation facilities for women who are overweight. In the course of work, such research methods as analysis and consolidation of data of scientific and methodological and special literature, analysis of collected scientific materials, method of analysis of medical documentation were applied. The study discovered that in the twenty-first century overweight became one of the most serious health problems all over the world. The problem of obesity is that the number of people who are overweight is progressively increasing.
According to WHO forecasts, in 10–15 years, in almost all European countries, the number of overweight people will increase up to 35–40 %. That is why the problem of overweight is urgent and needs to be studied. Obesity is a chronic disease which is characterized by excessive fat content in the body and includes a heterogeneous group of close pathological conditions. Its main causes could be: genetic, hormonal, nervous, psychological, metabolic, socio-economic factors. For successful treatment, and especially for the recovery of overweight patients, there is a proper regime of motor activity. To overcome this disease, the most effective means of physical rehabilitation are morning exercises and movement therapy, massage, physiotherapy, diet therapy and psychotherapy.
Therapeutic physical education is one of the most important elements of the complex rehabilitation of obese and overweight women, whose main objectives are the increase of energy consumption, oxidation-reduction and metabolic processes; decrease of excess body weight and strengthening the muscles of the body; improvement of the function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and other systems; restoration of the adaptation of organism to physical activity; normalization and improvement of the motor system. Also, in the treatment of obesity, it will be important to have a mental approach for the patients, since self-esteem is often lowered in obese people, they are not confident in society. Therefore, the rehabilitation of such people will necessarily be combined with psychotherapy.
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