Influence of Physical Rehabilitation on Students with Neurocirculatory Dystonia
physical rehabilitation, cardiopsychoneurosis, cardiac type, students, exercise, massage, physical therapy, psychotherapy, nutritionAbstract
Scientific paper is devoted to the physical rehabilitation of students with a common disease of the cardiovascular system – neurocirculatory dystonia for cardiac type. Some of the means of physical rehabilitation of patients with neurocirculatory dystoniaare considered and tested, the necessity of impact on the body for this category of patients is explained. The analysis of physical rehabilitation: morning hygienic gymnastics, physical education, nutrition, psychotherapy, hydro – and balneotherapy, physiotherapy, massage, reflexology, herbal medicine. The method aims to address the following strategic objectives: creating a positive attitude toward exercise, adaptation of students to the exercises, and to the factors of external and internal environment, improving of functional status of the cardiorespiratory system, the level of physical health, physical performance and fitness , self-learning methods, the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.
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