Characteristics of Special Efficiency and Functional Condition of Sportswomen who Specialize in Freestyle Wrestling


  • Yuliya Stelmakh


women-wrestlers, special efficiency, functional condition, menstrual cycle


Analysis of special literature that discovers problems of women sport has shown that menstrual function is an important indicator of sportswoman’s health that preconditions its functional abilities and efficiency. As a result of the research we have achieved indices of special efficiency for woman freestyle wrestling which show that speed of restoration of functional abilities of sportswomen of high qualification depend on phases of menstrual cycle. It was also discovered that heart rate speed also has cyclical character. The highest level of restoration of heart rate was registered in postmenstrual and post-ovarial phases of menstrual cycle.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

Characteristics of Special Efficiency and Functional Condition of Sportswomen who Specialize in Freestyle Wrestling. (2012). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 7, 121-125.