Principles of healthforming activity of children of elementary school age in the context of modern educational innovations
children of junior school age, formation, health, motivationAbstract
The current stage of development of the system of primary education in Ukraine is characterized by significant systemic transformations of its content and approaches to implementation. This tendency is the result of integration of the educational system in Ukraine into the world educational space and reveals new perspectives of transformation of the process of physical education in the direction of health formation of children of elementary school age. In the process of healthforming activities, considerable attention is required to achieve a high level of motivation for children to study at school. The objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of the implementation of the concept of healthforming technologies on the level of psychological state of children during the period of education in primary school as a way of implementing the ideas of the New Ukrainian school. The methods of research: analysis and generalization of data of scientific and methodical literature, systematization, content analysis, method of assessing the psychological state of children (the method of screening assessment of the level of school motivation by N. H. Luskanova), methods of mathematical statistics. The contingent of the examined made up at the confirmatory stage of the study of 265 pupils of 1st-4th grades and at the forming stage of 91 students of 1st, 3rd and 4th classes of institutions of general secondary education.
The results of the preliminary stage of the pedagogical experiment reveal the existence of problematic issues of low level of health of children of junior school age and processes of reducing motivation to studying during the period of study in elementary school. Among the directions of the formation of children's health and enhancement of motivation to study at school, the concept of healthforming technologies is proposed, the practical implementation of which is determined by the development of healthforming technology, which is in line with the principles of the New Ukrainian school. The effectiveness of the proposed concept was tested in the process of forming a pedagogical experiment. The use of the proposed means contributed to increasing the motivation of primary school children to study at school, which was achieved for the category of pupils of the experimental group of all ages.
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