Information technology in sports activities (on the example of football)
football, information technologies, competitive activity, training processAbstract
In the process of analysis of scientific and methodological literature and practical experience of implementing information technologies in sports activities of athletes in football, it is analyzed the topicality of the urgency of the issue of development of modern sports due to the wide introduction of information technologies in different aspects of the activities of a trainer, athletes, fans. The directions of the impact of modern information technologies in the technical and tactical preparation of athletes in football are determined. The Objective of the Study is to review and systematize the experience of implementing information technology in the training process of athletes in football. The Methods of the Research –analysis and generalization of data of scientific-methodical literature, systematization, content analysis. The results of the study were to determine the main directions of implementation of modern information technology in the practice of sports. The increase of the effectiveness of the professional activity of the coach in football, the authors see in automation of determining the performance indicators of competitive activities of athletes, improving analytical activity of coaches after conducting competitive matches. The directions of the use of information technology are broadly presented through improvement of the system for assessing compliance with football rules as a tool to assist the referee of a football match. It was proposed the systems of registration of the gate taking, interaction of a judge’s brigade, the system of video replaying of game episodes. Widespread use was found for special applications for establishment of interaction between fans and sports clubs which makes football more accessible and expands access to timely information on club life and sporting events under the auspices of their favorite sports team. The perspective directions of using information technologies in the practice of training and competitive activities of athletes are seen in the development of information systems for registering an off-side position, predicting sports activities of athletes, creating databases of indicators of training and competitive activities of athletes.
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