Personal Determinants of Image of a Successful Football Coach


  • Andriy Malynovskyi National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport
  • Tetiana Petrovska National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


image of a coach, psychological structure of an image, personal image determinants


Image in many ways determines the effectiveness of a coach. Some authors emphasize importance of the problem of formation of an effective, efficient image of a coach who is able to improve performance of competitive activities of athletes. For today the problem of an image of a sports coach remains understudied. Objective. To identify individual psychological characteristics that determine the formation of the image of a successful football coach. Results. According to the results of own empirical research we have revealed factors and individual psychological characteristics that form an image of a successful football coach. The structure of a functional image of a football coach includes the following components: individual psychological qualities and characteristics, behavior and interaction, social status and education, appearance, special knowledge and skills. Individual psychological characteristics of personality of a coach that determine formation of an image are: motivational, behavioral, cognitive, attentional, moral, emotional, psychomotor and stress resistance. Conclusions. It was revealed components that determine formation of a positive professional image of a football coach which may be taken into account in the process of formation and correction of an image at different stages of professional formation.


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Olympic and Professional Sport

How to Cite

Personal Determinants of Image of a Successful Football Coach. (2016). Youth Scientific Journal Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, 23, 132-138.